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Miss Moore and The Class

As I faced my class earlier this year,

I said to the children, “Just lend me an ear.”

Little Meg murmured, “Oh teacher! I fear,

If I give you mine, with what shall I hear?”

The children tittered and made a big uproar.

“Hush,” I said, “the principal’s at the door.”

Deeply embarrassed, I faced Miss Moore

And explained what made the children shout out so.

“Children, children, you must look before you leap,”

Thundered Miss Moore in a voice so stern and deep

That little Johnny began to shiver and weep

Then timidly cried, “Please, ma’am, can I take a peep?”

“This type of behaviour I won’t condone,”

Shouted Miss Moore in a furious tone;

The children sat as if turned to stone.

“I’m sorry, Miss Moore,” said Maggy Malone.

“This class is out of order,” stated Miss Moore,

“Teacher, I’ve told you so several times before,”

“Oh dear!” thought Teacher Manilow,

“Why does she hate me? I really don’t know.”

The boys in the class had had enough,

They couldn’t tolerate anymore angry stuff,

And though Miss Moore seemed rough and tough,

Those naughty lads decided to call her bluff.

They signaled to little Johnny who sat in the back row,

To take out his pet mouse and let it go.

“Squeak, squeak,” it streaked across the floor,

“A-a-a-a-ah,” shrieked Miss Moore as it ran past her toe.

“Get that mouse,” cried Miss Moore as she dashed in the hall,

She did not see, she did not hear the warning call.

She went crashing to the floor after stepping on a ball,

Then the children gleefully chorused, “Pride goes before a fall!”

© Hyacinth E.Hughes- ‘Sweet River Song’ 2016


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