Constant negative thoughts and emotions can cause you to feel disconnected from God and from others. Past traumatic experiences, if not dealt with, have the power to render you mentally fragile and emotionally unstable. Prayer from a humble heart is a powerful tool that can shift your attention away from yourself and your hurts, and place it on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Scripture says that God will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind on Him.
The Rosary of Petition and Praise (for Relief from Worry, Anxiety, fear and other Emotional Upsets) is a series of meditations and petitions that focus on the Sorrowful mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Included with the meditations are scriptural passages and prayers of praise that will help you to focus your mind on God and in particular, on the sorrows that Jesus endured towards the end of his earthly life. The central theme is that our Lord himself has had to suffer. He understands pain. He is fully aware of what you have endured and is ready to help you to overcome their lingering effects.
The rosary is a powerful weapon against the chains that a spirit of heaviness brings. As an intercessor, our Blessed Mother is a formidable ally to anyone who is coming against the forces of evil. She encourages you to do whatever her Son tells you. Through her intercession and through the petitions, meditations and praises in this book, may you lay your burdens before our Lord, who alone has the power to heal you, restore your inner peace and make you emotionally stable again. May our Lord Jesus Christ break the negative influences and harmful effects of a wounded spirit and give you the lasting peace and freedom that you deserve and that your soul is longing for.
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